Todays volleyball games will be streamed on South Platte’s YouTube channel. Tune in at 4:00 PM today to watch the girls play! Good luck Lady Mavs!!
over 2 years ago, Eric Kloke
Today's pep rally. Go Mavs!!! ❤️❤️❤️
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Joedeman
Caleb sliding
Conner jumping
REMINDER: School is dismissing today at 1:00PM for the game, buses run accordingly. 12:30 pep rally in the gym, public is invited. The Game is being streamed at the Sandhills Valley Youtube Channel. Kickoff at 3pm.
over 2 years ago, Brian Redinger
Stapleton School Patrons: You're invited to join me and possibly some school board members Thursday, October 20th for lunch at the Hen House. See you there!
over 2 years ago, Brian Redinger
Correction: Letters are being sent home with the oldest elementary child. Parent/Teachers Conference will be on Thursday, October 27th. Letters will be sent out to the elementary parents with the time for their child. If that time doesn't work, please call the office. The high school teachers will be available in their rooms from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM and in the bronco room from 2:00PM-7:00PM. This will be more of an open house instead of specific times for each student like we have done in the past. If you need to schedule a time, please call the office. There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 28th. If you have any questions, please call the office.
over 2 years ago, Bridget Weems
FALL SPORTS CHAMPIONSHIPS: This Thursday the Maverick Football Team will be kicking-off the 1st Round of the State Playoffs as we host the Sandy Creek Cougars. Kickoff is at 3pm. The public is invited to a pep-rally in the gym at 12:30pm. School will be dismissed at 1pm. Everyone will be required to leave the premises at 1pm. Fans can may reenter the field area at 1:30pm, with ticket takers located at all four corners. Admission is $8 Adults/$6 Students. No passes will be accepted. Friday, the District Championship Maverick men's team will run at 12 noon in Kearney, where they will complete for state championships hardware. Go Mavericks!
over 2 years ago, Brian Redinger
We would like the parents that plan on attending parents night tonight during the football game to head over to the south end zone at 6:30 to line up. We will start announcing at 6:40.
over 2 years ago, Eric Kloke
Here's some information regarding MNAC Volleyball: Games in Anselmo-Merna will be strived at Games in Callaway will striv Game #1 - For radio coverage on KBBN/KCNI out of Broken Bow see the attachment.
over 2 years ago, Brian Redinger
MNAC Volleyball 2022
“The junior high football game will take place on Monday, October 10, with kick-off scheduled at 4 p.m. Those players who want to ride the bus to St. Pat’s, the bus leaves at 2:30. Parents are allowed to take their son to North Platte if you wish, and transportation will be available after the game back to Stapleton.”
over 2 years ago, Bridget Weems
Mrs. Joedeman and a small group of students traveled to North Platte today to participate in MPCC's Job Fair. The fair consisted of over 40 businesses that are actively seeking employees in the fields of transportation, HVAC, welding, mechanics, security, and much more. The group heard about interships, apprenticeships, tuition reimbursement, and on-the-job training. They were given opportunities to visit with potential employers about jobs for both now and after high school. This was great exposure for our students!
over 2 years ago, Mrs. Joedeman
Group by entry.
CAUTION: Everyone, when dropping off students at bus pickup locations, please park or stop your vehicle in an area away from regular and/or local traffic, and at a safe distance away from the bus. Please do not stop your vehicle in an area that impedes traffic.
over 2 years ago, Brian Redinger
REMINDER: Parents please remember that students need to vacate the building as soon as school is dismissed. Those who have practice or other duties need to maintain constant contact with their coaches and/or supervising teachers, those who do not have commitments after school need to leave the building.
over 2 years ago, Brian Redinger
PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES: Preschool students will be taking pictures tomorrow. K-12 students will have retakes tomorrow. Junior High athletes will be taking sports pictures tomorrow, don't forget your uniforms junior high students.
over 2 years ago, Brian Redinger
Breakfast Menu Change: Tuesday September 27, 2022 will be Cinnamon Rolls.
over 2 years ago, Bridget Weems
There will be a reserve volleyball game on Tuesday, September 27th in Callaway at 5:00 PM. This will also be a triangular, so they will play two games. Stay tuned for more details!
over 2 years ago, Eric Kloke
Picture Retake will be on Tuesday, September 27th. JH Sports Pictures and Preschool will also be taken this day. If you want to order pictures, please email
over 2 years ago, Bridget Weems
Everyone tune into the Sandhills Valley Maverick YouTube channel for live broadcast of homecoming coronation coming soon. Stay tuned for future developments due to the poor weather.
over 2 years ago, Brian Redinger
Due to the possibility of thunderstorms tomorrow evening, the football game with Maxwell will kickoff one hour earlier at 6pm.
over 2 years ago, Brian Redinger
PARKING FOR FRIDAY NIGHT'S FOOTBALL GAME Everyone as most of you know we have installed underground sprinklers at the football field. If you are going to park on the North and West side of the field please avoid the cones, which will mark the areas where the sprinkler heads are located. If you are moving in an area that aligns with the cones also be aware of the possibility of a sprinkler head. We'll do our best to mark them. Thank You and Go Mavericks!!!
over 2 years ago, Brian Redinger
Link for todays Volleyball games in Merna:
over 2 years ago, Eric Kloke