Events for the Week of Feb 3:
Wed. Feb 5:
—Buffalo Bill Farm & Ranch Expo, Van leaves at 1:00 pm
—Spelling Bee in gym—2:00 pm
Thur. Feb 6:
—Vat G/B BB vs Brady in Stapleton—4/5/6/7:30
Fri. Feb 7:
—Var G/B BB vs Paxton in Stapleton—4/5/6/7:30
—G WR at Districts
—B WR at Southwest (Bartley)—10:00 am
Sat. Feb 8:
—Speech at Gothenburg, bus leaves at 6:15 am
A kindergarten student and a 2nd grade student earned RARE awards today. The kindergarten student earned hers for being Empathetic. She encourages her classmates and is always positive and caring. The second grade student earned his RARE award for being Accountable. He worked hard all week to improve his reading skills on a play they were reading in class. Keep up the great work!
Today we had a plethora of 3rd grade students earn RARE awards. Two of the young men earned a RARE award for being kind and helpful at the grocery store. They helped a teacher carry her groceries and get them in her car. Two students earned awards for being empathetic in school. They both cheer on and encourage their classmates. One of them has now earned all 4 areas of RARE awards. Wow. The last 3rd grade student to earn a RARE award today earned it for being respectful. He uses his manners and listens when the teacher is speaking.
The 4 -6 grade students who made Honor Roll were honored today with a certificate, a hand written note from a high school Honor Society member, and Smarties Candy. If you see these students let them know how proud we are of them.
Today there were 2 RARE Awards given to 2 young men. The first young man is a second grade student who stopped to help a classmate get her zipper unstuck from the swing. How caring and Empathetic! The second young man is a Third grade student who takes out unfinished work when he has extra time and completes is so he doesn't have to have homework. He is very Accountable!
Today we had 2 third grade students earn RARE awards. They both earned it for using their class time wisely and completing their work. Stapleton has amazing students.
Tonight the Sandhills Valley Mavericks will host games 1 and 2 of the MNAC Boys Basketball tournament. Come watch some great basketball games and support the SV Mavericks Youth Sports program by purchasing your dinner and game essentials from the concession stand. They will be serving chili, chili fritos, and normal concessions. We look forward to seeing you at the game this evening!
Events for the week of Jan 27:
Monday, Jan 27:
--UNK Honor Choir & Band at UNK, Concert at 5;30 pm, van leaves at 6:15 am
--G Var BB at MNAC Tourney vs Merna in Merna at 7:00 pm, bus leaves at 5:15 pm
Tuesday, Jan 28:
--B Var BB at MNAC Tourney vs Brady in Stapleton at 7:00 pm
Wednesday, Jan 29:
--FFA Contest in North Platte, van leaves at 7:00 am
--JH G/B BB at Mullen at 2:00 pm, bus leaves at 12:20 pm
Thursday, Jan 30:
--G/B BB at MNAC Tournament--TBD
Friday, Jan 31:
--G/B BB at MNAC Tournament--TBD
--B WR at Medicine Valley in Curtis at 10:00 am, van leaves at 6:15 am
Saturday, Feb 1:
--North Platte Middle School Honor Band at NPHS, Concert at 3:00 pm, van leaves at 7:30 am
--G WR at Amherst at 9:30 am
--G/B BB at MNAC Tournament--TBD
The Introduction to Agriscience students are working through the animal systems unit, looking at different types of systems, and the similarities and differences between species. Yesterday these students dissected perch fish to look at the various organs and systems within a fish. Next week these students will dissect a fetal pig to see the organs and systems of a mono-gastric livestock animal.
Come help cheer on the Sandhill Valley Mavericks 1/28/25!!!
JHBB CANCELED TOMORROW: Tomorrow's junior high basketball games in Hyannis have been cancelled.
We had 2 young men earn RARE awards last Thursday but Mrs. Isom was not able to give them their awards then. They received their awards today. The first grade student earned his award for being respectful. When given a direction he doesn't argue. He says, "Ok or Got it!" The Third grade student spent recess on Thursday shoveling ice off of the basketball court so others could play. Mrs. Klosen was very impressed with this young man. So am I!
NORTH PLATTE BUS TIMES TOMMORROW: Cody Park; Arrives 8:50 - Departs 9:05 Tanks: Arrives 9:13 - Departs 9:15.
10AM START TOMORROW: Due to weather and other logical matters, we will begin school at 10am tomorrow morning. There will be no breakfast, and buses will run accordingly.
Junior High games with Arthur have been rescheduled for January 21 at 1/2:15 in Tryon. Bus will leave at 11:30 am.
JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL: the junior high basketball game tomorrow with Arthur in Tryon, has been canceled. We will notify parents and players when it is rescheduled.
JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL TOMORROW: Students be at the school at 11:15. We will leave for Tryon at 11:30.
NO SCHOOL TOMORROW: Due to illnesses, there will be no school tomorrow. Honor Band in North Platte will still be held. Junior High Basketball in Tryon will still be held.
SCHOOL TOMORROW: Due to a high number of students and staff illness we are considering not having school tomorrow. We will make the determination as soon as we can, to help give you time to make alternative childcare arrangements if need be. Thank you for your patience.
Events for the week of Jan 20th:
Monday, Jan 20:
--Kearney Underclassmen Honor Band at Kearney HS--Concert at 6:15 pm, van leaves at 6:30 am
JH G/B BB vs Arthur Co in Tryon--1 pm / 2 pm, bus leaves at 11:30 am
Tuesday, Jan 21:
--G/B Var BB at Sandhills-Thedford--4 / 5 / 6 / 7:30 pm, bus leaves at 2:15 pm
Wednesday, Jan 22:
--FFA Degree/Proficiency Review at NP WCREC, van leaves at 7:15 am
Thursday, Jan 23:
--G WR at Maxwell Triangular
--JH G/B BB at Hyannis--2 pm / 3 pm, bus leaves at 11:30 am
--G/B Var BB vs Maxwell in Stapleton--4 / 5 / 6 / 7:30 pm
Friday, Jan 24:
--B WR at SLB Invite--11:00 am
-- G WR at Lexington--2:00 pm
Saturday, Jan 25:
--G WR at STK Invite in Dunning--10:30 am
--G/B BB at MNAC Tournament--TBA