Parents you are invited to take care of the following fees as soon as your able. Student Computer Loan Agreement 9th-12th only. Payment of $25.00. Breakfast: K-12 $1.50, Lunch K-6 $2.50, 7-12 $2.95. Please have separate checks for these. The office will be open during the open house if you want to take care of it then. Please stop in with your payments.

Parents of this year's 4th, 5th, and 6th grade, we are inviting you to attend a meeting on Wednesday, August 10th at 6pm in the Bronco Room. At the meeting we'll inform you about the changes to the Upper Elementary schedule this year and answer any questions you may have. If you are unable to attend the meeting we will have some information available in the office and online later in the week following the meeting.

Sandhills Valley Maverick Athletic Handbook is available on the school website.

The class schedule is closing in on completion. We will be contacting you soon to let you know what classes you will be enrolled in.

New sod is being laid on the football field.