
In the past, I found it very advantageous meet routinely with a “regular” group of school district patrons on a bi-monthly and sometimes monthly basis.  I referred to this group as “Key Communicators”.  The group was composed of many different stakeholder groups (e.g. parents, business owners, grand parents etc.) who were happy to volunteer their time to discuss various matters that concerned schooling in their community.  Ultimately, the group was an excellent way of bridging the gap between the school board and the entire community, in a forum that allowed for a flexible agenda and fluid dialogue.  So, to that end I am inviting 5 to 8 members of the school district to consider serving as a key communicator.  To begin we’ll plan to meet once every two months, or more often if we choose to.  If you are interested, please contact me at the school by phone (308-636-2252) or email


Also, this month I’d like to congratulate our students, coaches, and Mr. Johnson for a successful winter sports season.  Both teams competed hard and well.  To top things off they demonstrated excellent sportsmanship and support of one another (see the comments from Ms. Jane Crofton of the Hi-Line Bulls in the February 15th issue of the Enterprise) at their respective sub-district basketball venues.

SUPERINTENDENTS DESK: Please see my latest news posting at the included link, as it contains important information regarding Friday late starts and release times, among other things.